Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Oliver's blog returned for a short period and then was shut off again, but it was online just long enough for me to be able to continue the analysis of this highly disturbed individual.

I would like to firstly draw on a conversation between Oliver and Timelord in August 2010[1] in which Oliver informed us that he drew a knife at his school and was expelled as a consequence.
"Because I was incredibly autistic and didn't know that doing that could get you expelled."[2]
Being Autistic does not cause a person to draw a knife. Drawing a knife is a physical response to a psychological threat. There is no other recorded explanation for such a situation. Timelord made this point and attempted to pry an explanation from Oliver in a rather confronting manner, but the core intent was sound. Oliver refused to budge, insisting that his Autism caused the act.
"I pulled the knife because I had severe behavioral issues, which are a symptom of autism. There wasn't any other reason, and I fully deserved to be expelled."[3]
Whilst Autistics do have behavioural issues, this by itself does not cause a physical action. Even within an Autistic, a physical act needs something to set it off. Otherwise it just does not occur. It's not possible. Timelord stated that Oliver was hiding the reason and I concur with this observation. Hiding such information is common for people both on and off the Spectrum in order to supress experiences that they wish to forget. I also concur that Oliver WILL pull a knife or engage in some other form of threatening action when the situation repeats itself. I would suggest that this may be a contributing factor to Oliver's apparent refusal to leave his home as often as he should be.

Until this situation is examined in full and reconciled to the fullest extent, Oliver will re-offend. It is not a question of "if" it is a question of "when".

At the beginning of September 2010 Oliver professed a story about being turned on by EKG's[4]. This is particularly disturbing.

An EKG is an Electrocardiograph using the German abbreviation. The English abbreviation is ECG. It's a transthoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over time captured and externally recorded by skin electrodes[5]. Hyperventilation is simply breathing quickly and deeply[6], and there are many causes and also many effects. Most importantly however, it should be understood that it reduces the carbon dioxide concentration of the blood to below its normal level because one is expiring more carbon dioxide than being produced in the body, thereby raising the blood's pH value (making it more alkaline), initiating constriction of the blood vessels which supply the brain, and preventing the transport of oxygen and other molecules necessary for the function of the nervous system[7]. So it follows that an ECG/EKG is not required to alleviate such a situation.

And yet Oliver used the following comments as an explanation;

1. When I was 12 and 13 years old and attending VGW, this was a routine I would engage in quite frequently[4].
2. I would begin hyperventilating (fake, of course), and tell my teacher, Mr. Rubenstein, that I needed an EKG[4].
3. Then, after he'd refuse, I'd run down to the nurse's office, knock on her door, and say "Nurse, I'm hyperventilating. I need an EKG."[4]
4. She'd respond by saying, in her Guyanian accent: "You don't need an EKG when you hyperventilate. You just need a paper bag," and would proceed to slam the door in my face[4].
5. Then, after returning to my classroom, I would pass out due to lack of an EKG, and demand CPR[4].
6. I would only accept CPR from Meghan, the hottest girl at VGW of whom I later got to touch her on her boobs[4].
7. After the lack of CPR, I would die, only to miraculously wake up and be fine two seconds later[4].
8. I even had made up this whole backup story about why I needed an EKG when I hyperventilate[4].
9. There was another false story about me being diagnosed as a retard, but we can save a detailed explanation of the two stories for another post[4].
10. Anyway, while I am aware this is autistic behavior (i.e. not normal), I believe it is more than just dramatic play, which autistic people tend to engage in[4].
11. I believe it has some kind of sexual derivation, perhaps even a fetishistic one. And it's tied primarily to EKGs[4].
12. When I was 11 years old, I had an experience at the EKG doctor's office that led me to get a sexual fetish for EKGs[4].
13. It wasn't until I was 14 that I decided that I wanted to have sex with another person, but by then my EKG fetish was too far gone[4].
14. I believe that's to an extent what alienated me from getting laid, and I'm 18 years old and not getting any younger, was deriving sexual pleasure from something as offbeat as an EKG[4].
15. I mean, it's kind of subsided to the point where now my primary desire is to have sex with a person, but I can still have orgasm just thinking about an EKG[4].
16. I'd long thought it was my Asperger's that alienated me from getting laid at 18, but now I'm thinking it might be my EKG fetish[4].
17. The fetish may be a byproduct of my Asperger's syndrome, but I doubt it[4].
18. There's nothing in the DSM regarding a sexual fetish[4].
19. Is it my Asperger's syndrome that turns girls off of me, or should I focus more on getting laid and not having orgasm from an EKG?[4]
20. Or, is it neither and I'm just a lazy sonofabitch who could get laid if he really tried?[4]
21. I'm sorry if I offended any of you, and I look forward to your comments[4].

A number of questions arise from these comments. The first would be a query about more detail relating to comment number 12. Why was he seeing a doctor about an ECG and what exactly happened? The second would be why the VGW school didn't punish Oliver for this activity when it was clearly the act of a malcontent. They knew also that hyperventilation wasn't treated by an ECG. Further, I highly doubt that such a facility would be available at a school so I would additionally question the real reason for the actions. I speculate that he wanted nothing to do with the school. The CPR situation was ridiculous and it is likely that he became the subject of scorn as a result. His current state of low self esteem can be back dated to this.

The next question would arise from comment number 9, and that would be how he was diagnosed as mentally retarded. I consider this to be a crucial question.

I believe that there is no doubt that this fetish is a primary cause of Oliver's virginity. He may in his disturbed state believe that the act of sexual intercourse replicates the circumstances he has experienced with an ECG. This is completely untrue, and such a belief interferes with the proper process of sexual engagement. I believe I read at one point that Timelord recommended a visit to a prostitute, and for reasons of over coming this fetish I consider Timelord's statement to be accurate. Oliver's resistance to the idea adds weight to the attacks made upon him by the anonymous parties that have been all over his blog in recent times with regard to Oliver's gender preference. If the one calling themselves Attorney at LOL is a real lawyer (which I somehow doubt but for the sake of the analysis) he could well find this entry that I have taken the above comments from rather useful to establish verifiability for the possibility. For myself, I do not believe that there is enough evidence to prove that Oliver is a homosexual. But there is also no evidence to prove that he is not.

In comment number 10 Oliver undermines a key aspect of his condition, the dramatic play. Contrary to his view, such play is perfectly normal even for someone who is not Autistic - but nevertheless disturbed. It is well known that the view that Autistics have no imagination is completely incorrect and the tactic as I observed represented something that reflected on an obsessional desire for the orgasm. This obsession was sidetracked by the fetish taking the imaginary scenario onto a track that should not have been pursued. But due to Oliver's desire for a routine he remained with it. He needs to break it and the only way to achieve this is to lose his virginity. It may explain his desperation for a sexual experience, but he will not be able to earn it due to (as many have already observed) his attitude towards the act and towards other people with particular attention to the fair sex.

Whilst it is true that fetishs are not included in the DSM (and nor should they be), the disorder that has developed in the way Oliver relates to his sexual identity is a serious one. It needs to be treated and treated immediately with the afore mentioned visit to a paid lady of the night. This would resolve the query in comment number 19, and it would also provide Oliver more confidence to pursue an unpaid sexual partner per comment number 20.

I shall provide more analysis in the not too distant future.
